Our Clinics

The following clinics are run and appointments can be made in the usual way:

Ante-Natal Clinics

These are run by a Community Midwife every Wednesday mornings. 

For an initial booking in appointment please ‘phone the midwives on 01324 567146 between 8.30 – 12 noon, Monday to Friday.

Child Health Surveillance

This is run by a GP. We have a programme which covers all the necessary checks and immunisations from the ages of 8 weeks to 5 years.  All children registered for this programme receive mailed appointments when a check or immunisation is due. To register your child, please enquire at reception. 

Well-Woman and Well-Man

Appointments can be arranged with the Practice Nurse on

request.  These appointments offer a health check. They involve carrying out some simple checks to look for signs of preventable or treatable disease, for women this includes a cervical smear when necessary, and appropriate health advice will be given to

Cervical Smears

These are carried out by the Practice Nurse and our Nurse Specialist Margaret McArthur.  Smear appointments can be made during normal clinic hours.All smear invitation letters and smear results are sent out by SCCRS, the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme National IT System, not the Practice, although the Practice has full access to the SCCRS system and will monitor this.

Diabetic Appointments

Can be made with the Practice Nurse Monday to Friday.

Asthma Appointments

Appointments can be made with the Practice Nurse Monday to Friday. 

Family Planning Services

Any of the GP Partners will be happy to discuss all aspects of contraception during a regular surgery appointment, made for a time of your own convenience.

Flu Vaccine

If you think you are entitled to the flu vaccine please check NHS Inform for information.